Rivers and canals: France offers a multitude of cycling routes along the water. The “Canal de la Garonne”, the “Canal du Midi”, the Loire, the Rhône: France is filled with a diverse range of landscapes. Each of these routes are equipped with greenways and cycle paths.
We offer several types of bike trips along the Canal du Midi, the Canal de Garonne, and the Canal des 2 Mers, covering either all or part of these iconic cycle paths. You can choose a stage or combine different sections, as well as the duration (long weekend, week, or more), to explore these scenic routes specially designed for cycle touring! Learn more about the Canal des 2 Mers by bike on this page.
Travelling alone, as a couple or with your family? Take advantage of these peaceful landscapes along the water and embrace these natural environments for your break and breathe in some fresh air!
We offer cycling trips along the French riverside, which take in all or part of France's major cycling routes. You can either choose to cycle one stage or a combination of these routes, as well as the duration (long weekend, week or more), so you can discover all or part of these itineraries, specially designed for cyclotourists!